2013년 12월 26일 목요일

How to Distinguish the quality of red ginseng extract product.

How to Distinguish the quality of red ginseng extract product.

1. Checking whether the 'red ginseng beverage', or a' health functional food'.
2. Checking the ratio of red ginseng concentrate. - very critical point
3. Checking the percentage of solid(pure extract)
4. Checking the raw red ginseng blend ratio.
5. Checking the content of ginseoside(Rg1 + Rb1)

1. Distinguishing whether the 'red ginseng beverage', or a' health functional food'.

Red Ginseng concentrate product can be divided into "Red Ginseng Beverage" and "Health Functional Food".

below product is 'red ginseng beverage'.

and the following is Health Functional Food

Those classification are defined by the Korea Food and Drug Administration(KFDA)
If any products that do not pass this criterion cannot be sold.

According to the "Notice for standards of health functional food" from KFDA

1. Health Functional Food of Red Ginseng :  total Rg1+Rb1 must be '2.4 mg / daily intake' or more.
2. Red Ginseng Beverage :  there is no standard notice of the content of the component.
   - which means it's allright that 'Red Ginseng Beverage' just contain even tiny amount of ingredient of ginseng or red ginseng.

Actually, In the case of red ginseng beverage, very very little amount of red ginseng extract is included in products.

Please look at the photo below. it's best selling 'red ginseng beverage' of CKJ.

Understanding is easier if you look at the below expression.

This means that only 0.36% of total capacity is 'red ginseng extract'

please look at the graph below.

Yes, It's JUST 'beverage' which contains tiny amount of red ginseng extract!

2. Checking the ratio of red ginseng extract. - very critical point
CKJ's Extract Plus 240g

it is very important that Always try to choose 100% of red ginseng extract(홍삼농축액100%)!!

the following is the product which is currently sold much on ebay.

This extract is being sold very much because people think the price is cheap.


Looking in detail the content, it will be a little surprised because of the following reason.

1. Red ginseng extract is only 10%.
2. Rg1 + Rb1 is only 1mg/g .

Low quality product!!

the following is the extract made by small company in Korea

Relatively decent product!

Although it has relatively good quality, I cannot say it's the best products for the reasons of No. 2, No. 3, No. 4( it is explained at below parts)

Hansamin's Hansongjeong 240g

Best Product!
There is almost no difference with CKJ

3. Checking the percentage of solids.
'Solid of ginseng' means the amount of the 'pure red ginseng extract' remaining, assuming that the extract has evaporated completely.(Higher 'content of solids' is better.)

'65% of solid' means, after evaporating completly, 65% of pure extract is remained.

For example;

1)Assuming that the total 100g of product contain 10% of red ginseng extract and  the extract contain 90% of 'red ginseng solid'.

Amount of solid(pure red ginseng extract) is 100g x 0.1 x 0.9 = 9g.

Ratio of the solid(pure red ginseng extract) in this product will be 9%.

Now, Let's compare following products.

1) CKJ's Extract Plus 240g

total content : 240g
the extract-ratio of total amount is 100% and solid-ratio of the extract is 64% 

240g x 1 x 0.64 = 153.6g
this product contains 153.6g of pure red ginseng.
so, solid is 64% of the total in 240g.

2) Extract Classic

total content : 100g
the extract-ratio of total amount is 100% and solid-ratio of the extract is 60%
100g x 1 x 0.6 = 60g
this product contains 60g of pure red ginseng.
it is 60% of the total in 100g.

3)Extract 365

total content(1btl) : 240g
the extract-ratio of total amount is 10% and solid-ratio of the extract is 60

240g x 0.1 x 0.6 = 14.4g
this product contains only 14.4g of pure red ginseng.
solid is 6% of the total in 240g.

Despite this fact, Usually buyer tend to think this is ok because the price is cheap.  but I don't think so.

So, let's compare the prices on the basis of pure red ginseng extract.


total : 240g
Solid(pure extract) : 64%
Official Price : 198,000KRW
Price per 1% of  pure extract is 3093KRW


total : 240g
Solid(pure extract) : 6%
price of 1 btl : 49800 / 2 = 24900KRW
Price per 1% of  pure extract is 4150KRW

Come to think of it like this, it can be seen that the prices of products made by CKJ, Hansamin and Gaesung are not high at all.

Reference description for a better understanding (100g each)

1)configuration of the product which is composed of 100%-RG extract(60% of Solid)
red ginseng extract 100g(60g of solid + 40g of water)

2) configuration of the product which is composed of 10%-RG extract(60% of Solid)
red ginseng extract10g(6g of solid + 4g of water) + 90g of other ingredient

4. Checking the raw red ginseng blend ratio.
please look at the part of the green square in the photo below.

1)CKJ's Extract 240

You should know the following two words in advance. :)

body has a lot of active saponin and radicle contains components which gives bitter taste.
Of course, the higher contents of body, the better effect.

the most common blending ratio is 70% of body and 30% of radicle

5. Checking the content of ginseoside(Rg1 + Rb1)
many people judge the quality of product by looking at this number.

In fact, many sort of ginsenoside is in Ginseng.

Ginsenoside Ra1-3, Ginsenoside Rb1, Ginsenoside Rb2, Ginsenoside Rb3, Ginsenoside Rc, Ginsenoside Rd, Ginsenoside Re, Ginsenoside Rf, Ginsenoside Rg1, Ginsenoside Rg2, Panaxa Diol,  Panaxa Diol ... and more....

KFDA has been conducting testing of the final product , but they cannot confirm all kind of saponin
they examine the contents of only two most representative components(Rb1 and Rg1).
So the only two components are displayed on the product.(recently one kinf of element has been added.)

Of course, the higher contents of rg1 and rb1, the better effect.

However, even there seem to be lots of Rg1 + Rb1 in product,
It is not good product if the ratio of the RG extract and ratio of solid are low.

For saponin, I will post it in more detail in the near future.

Thank you for reading my article.

if you have anything to ask, please contact me via cji3637@gmail.com

2013년 6월 29일 토요일

1st Pharm Garcinia 服用法

   1st Pharm Garcinia



850mg x 112 pills (8weeks)








注意 !!

妊娠中や、授乳中の母親にはお勧めできません。 特定の病気があったり、現在の病気のために治療中の方は医師とご相談の上服用することをお勧め

HOW  HCA Works

HCA increases your body's production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter (brain chemical) researchers believe regulates your appetite. With a lowered appetite, you consume fewer calories. Researchers think HCA may also inhibit the enzymes that convert carbohydrates into stored fat, though this has not been proved in humans. Unlike other weight-loss supplements, HCA does not raise your heart rate or blood pressure.


Human studies show promising evidence that HCA can suppress your appetite by increasing serotonin production. When combined with exercise and a healthy diet, HCA appears to speed weight loss.

2013년 2월 27일 수요일

1st Pharm Garcinia 服用法

1st Pharm Garcinia 服用法



850mg x 112 pills (8weeks)






注意 !!

妊娠中や、授乳中の母親にはお勧めできません。 特定の病気があったり、現在の病気のために治療中の方は医師とご相談の上服用することをお勧め

HOW  HCA Works

HCA increases your body's production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter (brain chemical) researchers believe regulates your appetite. With a lowered appetite, you consume fewer calories. Researchers think HCA may also inhibit the enzymes that convert carbohydrates into stored fat, though this has not been proved in humans. Unlike other weight-loss supplements, HCA does not raise your heart rate or blood pressure.

Human studies show promising evidence that HCA can suppress your appetite by increasing serotonin production. When combined with exercise and a healthy diet, HCA appears to speed weight loss.

2013년 1월 17일 목요일

韓国 GeonGain (健佳人) ダイエットコーヒー服用法

   健佳人 Diet Coffee



1ボトル - 300グラム(約4週間)


      - 1スプーン(約2.5g)をお湯に(約70ml)に乗って飲む。 1日4回


      - 1スプーン(約5g)をお湯に(約70ml)に乗って飲む。 1日2回



注意 !!

妊娠中や、授乳中の母親にはお勧めできません。 特定の病気があったり、現在の病気のために治療中の方は医師とご相談の上服用することをお勧め

HOW  HCA Works

HCA increases your body's production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter (brain chemical) researchers believe regulates your appetite. With a lowered appetite, you consume fewer calories. Researchers think HCA may also inhibit the enzymes that convert carbohydrates into stored fat, though this has not been proved in humans. Unlike other weight-loss supplements, HCA does not raise your heart rate or blood pressure.


Human studies show promising evidence that HCA can suppress your appetite by increasing serotonin production. When combined with exercise and a healthy diet, HCA appears to speed weight loss.

2013년 1월 15일 화요일

The Superiority of Korean Red Ginseng

The surperiority of KOREAN Ginseng
KOREAN Ginseng is not only a species different from those of American ginseng or Chinese Sanchi ginseng, but it is also grown in an optimal geographical environment with climatic conditions suitable for growing superior quality ginseng. The latitudinal range in which the majority of KOREAN INSAM farming is carried out extends from 36° to 38° north, where the growing period (180 days) is longer than that of other areas (120 to 130 days). This longer growth time is instrumental to the development of harder and denser internal tissues and the safekeeping of innate flavor.The first thing that comes into mind when thinking about KOREAN GINSENG is saponin. KOREAN GINSENG has the richest variety of saponin. Its composition is so exquisite that no other plants in the Panax family come close to it. So far, some thirty different kinds of saponin, named ginsenosides, have been identified. These ginsenosides are further divided into diols, triols and oleananes according to their structural characteristics, and are known to have different medical effects. The content of saponin in ginsengs grown in other countries is higher than KOREAN GINSENG, but their saponins are limited to about 4 to 15 kinds, resulting in very limited medicinal effects when compared to KOREAN INSAM. Unique to white ginseng are saponins of malonyl-ginsenosides, e.g. MG-Rb1, MG-Rb2, MG-Rc and MG-Rd. Red ginseng specifically contains such saponins as G-Rh2, G-Rs1, G-Rs2 and H-R4.More than 10 different polyacetylene compounds have been identified in KOREAN INSAM. Some of these are known to suppress replication of cancerous cells and exhibit antiplatelet and antioxidation activity. Analysis of polyacetylene ingredient contained in ginsengs from various countries revealed that KOREAN INSAM exceeds in its content by approximately 30-60%.


Korean red ginseng is known as the 'King of Herbs' and can be sharply contrasted with other inferior ginseng species. While Korean ginseng boasts more than 30 varieties of healthy plant saponins (and ginsenosides found only in Korean ginseng), the roots nearest relatives offer less than half the natural variety. The richness and wealth of natural components in this superior root are maximized when grown for six years. As such all of KGC�s roots are guaranteed to have been grown for no less than 6 years, an incredible investment in care and cultivation for the highest quality ginseng products in the world.

Unique Features of Red Ginseng 

1. Red Ginseng contains more Saponins than the level of general Ginseng, which is the key herb ingredient in Ginseng.

2. The Ginseng’s own bitter taste has remarkably eliminated during the process for Red Ginseng with which it makes easier for Western people or women and children to take this ever-well-known herb product without difficulty. 

3. Red Ginseng is well digestible. The solid starch ingredient in Ginseng has been dissolved to gelatin during the process for being Red Ginseng.

4. Red Ginseng has longer life for storage because enzymes of Ginsenghave become inactive during the process for being Red Ginseng.



OriginSouth Korea
Contents1 Box -240g x 2 - 6years old Korean red ginseng
            - Adult : Take 1~2g a time, 3 times a day
            - For Children (under 15yrs) : Half of a dosage
Take 3 times or more a day, about 2g each time.
Dissolve 1 or 2 spoonfuls (spoon included) in a glass of warm or cool water and drink.
You may add honey or other if desired.
Mix the red ginseng extract with honey and take about 2 spoonfuls each time.

2013년 1월 14일 월요일

Garcinia Cambogia extract benefit.

Garcinia Cambogia extract benefit.

Garcinia cambogia is available as an herbal supplement and marketed as a weight loss agent. Hydroxycitrate (HCA) or hydroxycitric acid, is an active ingredient that is extracted from the rind of this Indian fruit. Research with garcinia cambogia in terms of weight loss has provided mixed results and there is no agreement in the medical community as to whether this herb is effective as a weight loss diet pill when used by itself.
 If you would like to eat less, consider 1st pharm's Garcinia Diet Pills, a potent natural herbal supplement that suppresses appetite.

the best korean cla diet pills in korea
1st pharm's Garcinia Pill is derived from a native fruit of India. It contains high concentrations of hydroxycitric acid, high quality.

Supplement Facts:
Hydroxycitric Acid HCA 850 mg
(Standardized extract from Garcinia cambogia fruit)


Click here to buy 1st Pharm's Garcinia Cambogia Extract Pills on Qoo10 Singapore  

Benefits of Garcinia.

  1st Pharm's Garcinia Cambogia Extract Pills has no added caffeine, ephedra, ephedrine alkaloids, synephrine, hormones, guarana, ginseng, or stimulating amino acids.

Helps you maintain healthy blood sugar levels

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I am currently using 1st Pharm's Garcinia Cambogia Extract Pills with excellent results, would taking a garcinia supplement help even more?

 We don't see the need to add it since 1st Pharm's Garcinia Cambogia Extract Pills works very well by itself.


 Chronic administration of hydroxycitrate promotes lipid oxidation and spares carbohydrate utilization in mice at rest and during running.

 Garcinia cambogia may have gastric ulcer protecting properties.

 Appetite suppression, no effect

 Effects of hydroxycitric acid on appetitive variables.

 Physiol Behav. 2000.

 Hydroxycitric acid reportedly promotes weight loss, in part, through suppression of hunger. However, this mechanism has never been evaluated in humans in a controlled study. Eighty-nine mildly overweight females were prescribed 5020-kJ diets for 12 weeks as part of a double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel group study. Forty-two participants ingested 400-mg caplets of Garcinia cambogia 30-60 min prior to meals for a total dose of 2.4 g/day (1.2 g/day HCA). Forty-seven participants ingested matched placebos. Both groups lost body weight with the active group achieving a significantly greater reduction. No effects of the HCA were observed on appetitive variables. The active treatment group did not exhibit better dietary compliance or significant correlations between appetitive variables and energy intake or weight change. This study does not support a satiety effect of HCA.

 Fat loss
Garcinia extract was used as a potential antiobesity agent. In week 3 of culture with insulin, the fat cells exhibited more numerous and larger intracytoplasmic lipid droplets (i.e. 30-40 microm(2)). When Garcinia extract and insulin were added simultaneously, the accumulation of lipid droplets was inhibited and the peak droplet area shifted to become smaller (10-20 microm(2)). The activities of glycerophosphate dehydrogenase, a marker of adipose differentiation, were not significantly inhibited. These findings suggest that the Garcinia extract inhibits lipid droplet accumulation in fat cells without affecting adipose conversion.

Summary and review
Hydroxycitrate (or hydroxycitric acid) derived from garcinia cambogia, by itself, may not lead to a significant weight loss, but in combination with other nutrients and herbs it may have potential. The research with garcinia cambogia extract is still fuzzy and I am not yet convinced that it and hydroxycitric acid are effective in the treatment of obesity.

Other weight Loss options to consider
Green tea extract and Hoodia are popular weight loss herbs that may work in some individuals. 5-HTP is a nutrient that helps curb appetite in some individuals. 5-HTP, by converting into serotonin, can be used temporarily to improve will power and decrease the urge to eat until more established weight loss habits are in place.

1998 Garcinia article in JAMA

Garcinia cambogia (hydroxycitric acid) as a potential antiobesity agent: a randomized controlled trial.
Heymsfield SB. Obesity Research Center, St Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY 10025, USA.
Hydroxycitric acid, the active ingredient in the herbal compound Garcinia cambogia, competitively inhibits the extramitochondrial enzyme adenosine triphosphate-citrate (pro-3S)-lyase. As a citrate cleavage enzyme that may play an essential role in de novo lipogenesis inhibition, garcinia cambogia is claimed to lower body weight and reduce fat mass in humans. To evaluate the efficacy of garcinia cambogia for body weight and fat mass loss in overweight human subjects. Twelve-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Subjects were randomized to receive either active herbal compound (1500 mg of hydroxycitric acid per day) or placebo, and both groups were prescribed a high-fiber, low-energy diet. The treatment period was 12 weeks. A total of 135 subjects were randomized to either active hydroxycitric acid or placebo; 42 (64%) in the active hydroxycitric acid group and 42 (61%) in the placebo group completed 12 weeks of treatment. Patients in both groups lost a significant amount of weight during the 12-week treatment period; however, between-group weight loss differences were not statistically significant. There were no significant differences in estimated percentage of body fat mass loss between garcinia cambogia
and placebo groups, and the fraction of subject weight loss as fat was not influenced by treatment group. Garcinia cambogia failed to produce significant weight loss and fat mass loss beyond that observed with placebo.